Sunday, April 3, 2011

Little Helper

Being sick really stinks. Not sure if we're fighting Round 2, or if it's just a really stubborn cold, but the whole house has been sniffly for Oma and Grandpa's visit. It's a bummer. Hence the long, infrequent post...

Anyway, O's been picking up pace on the mimicking milestone. I now have a "helper" whenever I dust (on that rare occasion!), spin the lettuce for dinner,

sweep outside,

and get the garden ready for spring (whenever that may be here).

He has really enjoyed play time with Oma and Grandpa. Here's a shot of some good, ol' fun with a sturdy cardboard tube. Oma's voice traveling down the tube cracked him up!

Grandpa is now an official lovey.

We also took advantage of some sunny days by taking in the local sites, including a dairy farm,
(Up close and personal)

a playground,
(in awe of some older kids)

the river,

getting to know our neighbors on our walks with Grandpa,

and an art museum. I didn't think this elephant camo hoodie was really much of a camouflage, until he stood in front of these river rocks! Where's the baby?

He even looks like the stone cat here. :)

A little R&R after all this hard work
(the hard work)

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