Monday, May 23, 2011

Bear World

What is the highlight of every Yellowstone vacation? Wait for it.... Yellowstone Bear World! At least, that's how their advertisements go. We ventured to check it out, since we had half price tickets. It's kind of like a North American safari where you drive through and see the animals, but nearly all of the animals here were born in captivity. Let's just say we were glad we got in for half price!


Rare white elk (see the fuzzy new antlers!)


Bears of all colors and sizes; way too many to capture on film.

Bear cubs! There were 6 in all, and I could have watched them all day. :)

Of course, they've tacked on a petting zoo and some rides to appeal to the younger crowd. I can see why. We think that Owen saw a bear, but there were so many other distractions (grass, rocks, water), that it's hard to say if he really noticed the animals.

This petting zoo had deer, geese, goats, and some others, but I think Owen was most interested in walking into and splashing around in the little stream.

The tiniest train I've had the pleasure to ride. I think the track was a 50-ft long oval, but Owen wanted to hop right back on. :)

Owen's first roller coaster - he was NOT a fan! Thanks anyway Bear World!

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