Once a week, we're even getting the 5th graders together to run a mile for their PE credit. They usually have a school club called Read, Deed, Run where they run a mile every week, read books, and do good deeds. It's so sad that these kind of activities are all on hold, but this will have to do for now.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
So Long September
Once a week, we're even getting the 5th graders together to run a mile for their PE credit. They usually have a school club called Read, Deed, Run where they run a mile every week, read books, and do good deeds. It's so sad that these kind of activities are all on hold, but this will have to do for now.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Master Blaster Room Redo
Just a quick post to document our master bedroom overhaul. The paint color was really grating on me after we changed all the other paint in the house, and I've been wanting to change it almost since we moved in. But the paint color is limited by the furniture color, which limits the bedding, which also dominoes into changing the curtains, and that all seemed a bit much. The curtains actually drove this project because our back neighbors installed a super bright light that peaks over the fence right into our bedroom windows at night, affecting my sleep. The windows are recessed, but take up most of the wall, so our current, Granna-made curtains just couldn't cover the full expanse. We finally went for it, with the help of Labor Day sales! Once again, the kids were eager motivators, preppers, and painters. I love their helpful nature, even when we have to clean up paint from the floor more than once.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Ranch Rebuilding
Faced with a long weekend and slightly cooler temps (90 instead of 97!), it was time to go see Granna and Grandad. Between the pandemic and fire, the kids hadn't seen them since they came to Houston back in February! So, we donned our masks and drove to see them. (We did pretty well at wearing our masks for most of the visit, but I wanted to see smiles in this picture!)
They are surviving in their tiny rental house, but they can't wait to be back in a house on their property. In fact, word from the builder is that they should be in by Christmas! Building has been going full steam for the last few months, so we wanted to go check it out. G&G were able to find an old blueprint (I think from their insurance company?), and since the foundation was able to be reused, they decided to build pretty much the same house.
We lucked out in that the cabinets had just been installed, and the fireplace was recently finished, which made it a little easier to visualize some of the rooms. The kids said they'd never seen a house in progress before, so I think it was interesting for them to see how all of the pieces come together.
Despite the heat, the kids enjoyed the fresh air and being back at the ranch. Owen was bummed that his "good stick" was on the porch when the house burned, but luckily, the surrounding woods offer an endless supply of potential, new favorite sticks. There is a lot of work left to do, but it was so good to see them and feel a little normalcy to the world again.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Yes, That's the Book for Me
Well, we've been virtual schooling for over two weeks, and it's going pretty smoothly. There is still a lot of down time throughout the day, but that's fine with us. At least lessons seem to be progressing, and assignments have been related to the teacher's instruction. Hadley has learned how to email the teacher to ask questions and set alarms for herself based on when she needs to login to her next meeting. Isn't that how you remember 3rd grade?? Other than that, I've got them doing some typing lessons (all this online assignment submittal stuff has made that a new priority!), and H is working on her gymnastics at home.
The only other thing we've had going on was to get H's 3rd grade Bible from church. This was a big deal because we hadn't set foot in church since the pandemic began (or worn our nicer clothes for about the same duration). Picture time!