Well, we've been virtual schooling for over two weeks, and it's going pretty smoothly. There is still a lot of down time throughout the day, but that's fine with us. At least lessons seem to be progressing, and assignments have been related to the teacher's instruction. Hadley has learned how to email the teacher to ask questions and set alarms for herself based on when she needs to login to her next meeting. Isn't that how you remember 3rd grade?? Other than that, I've got them doing some typing lessons (all this online assignment submittal stuff has made that a new priority!), and H is working on her gymnastics at home.
The only other thing we've had going on was to get H's 3rd grade Bible from church. This was a big deal because we hadn't set foot in church since the pandemic began (or worn our nicer clothes for about the same duration). Picture time!

She was handed a wrapped Bible by the pastor, and her name and picture were up on the big screen!

I think they said there were about 40 3rd-graders at church, so they had to split them up into smaller groups throughout the afternoon. This is usually done during regular church service, but we haven't restarted in-person church yet.

The Bibles were wrapped in 4 layers of different paper, each symbolizing the importance of the book they were holding: brown paper = ancient, gold = valuable, comics = stories, white tissue = pure gift from God. Each kid also got a pretty sugar cookie because cookies! It was nice to have something to dress up for and look forward to. Not great to document it in facemasks and a nearly empty sanctuary. Strange times indeed.

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