Sunday, March 6, 2011

Settling In

We're still unpacking, but gradually settling in to the new house. Part of the fun (for Owen) of unpacking was the discovery of some "new" toys that we'd been saving for a rainy day. One of the big hits has been a hand-me-down Sit 'n Spin that plays music. Check out this video of him dancing to the beats (also a demonstration of his improvement in balance). :)

The house also has some fun elements for Owen, such as a little play area under the basement stairs complete with a tiny doorway and window. He's taught himself how to go down the stairs backwards by practicing on the entry steps.

He also likes opening and closing (and opening and closing) the French doors to the dining room. He's shut himself in once or twice. :)

Yesterday we ventured down to the neighborhood playground because we had so much thawing this week. Unfortunately, we picked the afternoon when a new cold front was blowing in. I noticed that none of the natives were silly enough to play on the playground just yet. But Owen loves being outside, regardless of temperature, and crunching the snow underfoot. He actually cries when we bring him back inside. (This trip to the playground looks a little different than the one we took nearly a year ago back in sunny Texas.)

Since their traumatic boarding/journey to the great white north, the cats have been a little more tolerant of Owen's advances. There's still a lot of chasing going on, but the cats will both occasionally surrender to his persistence and let him "pet" them. He's getting a lot better at being gentle, and they've become a new source of soothing softness for him. Let's hope this tolerance continues! (Don't blame us for Owen's attire here - it was laundry day!)

And lastly, he's an eating machine! It seems as though we are always feeding him. Even when he just ate what seems like an adult-sized portion, he will come sniffing around us for scraps if we are still eating, especially if there's bread/crackers involved. He still hasn't really picked up on mouth capacity and will ravenously eat whatever is placed on his tray. In this one, some cheesy tortilla became stuck to his cheek during the feeding frenzy. He was laughing because he could feel it, but couldn't find it.

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