Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We made it!

Today was a good day: we finally got our full-sized refrigerator delivered and installed, the house became wired for internet, and our Austin house closing was complete! Not to mention that it was nearly 50 degrees and sunny, so Owen and I got to take a spin around the block in the stroller. Plowing through snow in the stroller was a new experience. :)

But, let's back up. We've been in Idaho for a week now and a lot's happened in that week.

Owen's first plane trip. We had some drama on the first leg when O was tired, but couldn't fall asleep in the seat. John ended up walking him up and down the aisle about 20 times, where he eventually passed out on his shoulder. This picture is on the second leg, post-nap and post-ridiculously-long-airport-jog where we just made our connecting flight. It's debatable whether lugging the carseat around with us was worth the effort.

Gearing up to venture outside in his new big (too big?) jacket

Although we were a little off-schedule, we did make it out of the hotel for a few meals. (I've got to say that a high-chair is one of those things that you take for granted until you don't have one. Human high chair is much less effective!) In this picture, he's flirting with the waitresses. I think he's catching on to this whole "baby/chick magnet" thing...

In an effort to stave off cabin fever from being pent up in the hotel room for days, we took O to a kiddie playland on one of the afternoons. His favorite spot was the ball pit, for sure.

Although, the play house was a close second.

Finally, on Friday we were able to close on the house and get the movers unloaded in the new digs. We still very much like the house and are unpacking in our spare time (will it ever be done?).

Here's the proud homeowner beginning what's sure to become a least-favorite chore when the novelty wears off. It was actually snowing while they were unloading all of our stuff and dropped into the single digits that night. We're definitely not in Texas anymore.

But here's what it looked like today off of our back porch. (see the foothills in the distance?) Sunny and clear with the tinkling sounds of snow melting off the roof. And so, a new chapter begins.

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