Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playgroup and Backyard Improvements

In a moment of bravery or insanity, we offered to host a baby playgroup at our house. We've met some great moms and babies here, and there are a bunch within a few months of O's age. It went off without a hitch and no major incidents. (Not really any minor ones either...) Owen did really well with everyone playing with his things.

The cat provided some entertainment from the other side of the gate for Owen, Caydie, and Carson.

One of the few times when everyone was playing with their own toy instead of "sharing" (Jacob, Carson, and Finley)

Of course, once we made that hosting commitment, the landscaper called to start work on the backyard (that we discussed probably two months ago) on the same day! Most of the delay was related to waiting for frost-free nights, which we are now supposed to be. Yay! We just wanted to add some interest and privacy to the backyard. Here are some before and afters.

Before, looking north
After, looking north

Before, looking south
After, looking south

We also added plants to the side of the porch until we figure out railings. And you can see the arborvitae row we have in the background to hopefully become a windblock someday.

We're happy with it, lots of color and variety until and even after snowfall. I think someone else likes it too! The window watcher...

And lastly, another lap picture, but I liked how this one captured his room in the offset.

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