Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Mercer Botanic Gardens

With the "cooler" fall air (mid-80s) finally arriving, we joined Uncky Dan and family at Mercer Botanic Gardens on the north side of the city. It was a good opportunity to get out of the house, outside, and into some new, pretty scenery.

Plus, we hadn't seen our cousins in a while!
It wasn't too crowded, but the shade was definitely still a friend. We walked around for a while, taking in the assortment of plant life and hardscapes.

I let Hadley have my camera for a while and she took a ton of plant pics. Here's a few to get the idea. She enjoyed playing photographer.

After we got our fill of plants and meandering paths, a walk under the road to the other side of the park brought us to the Arboretum for bigger plants and paths.

About a mile down on the other end of the Arboretum, we found a pretty sweet playground. The little cousins did a good job keeping up with the big cousins.

Then we had a buggy walk back to the cars through a swamp and a bog, aka Mosquito Heaven. Come on fall!

Afterwards, we sought out a local brewery, as we often do, for some cold patio drinks and a late lunch. Yum!

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