Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Safari Time

It was Granna's birthday, so we decided to go see her before the kids returned to in-person school. To make a day of it, we also went to Aggieland Safari, which had lots of different kinds of animals to see. It was still a little warm, but we walked in the shade and saw lemurs, kangaroo, a hippo, tayra, fennec foxes, and snakes, among other things. The kids' favorite thing may have been feeding the birds.
We were all pretty excited to feed the giraffes. Apparently, they like romaine lettuce. And, isn't this a sweet video of brother helping out little sis? 😍

One of our favorites was the tortoise enclosure. Although we didn't have any food for them, they seemed to enjoy a nice back rub and had a very chill vibe.

Then it was time for the drive-thru tour. We had some pellets to toss out the window, and the kids loved trying to get food to each animal we saw. Most of the animals here were the hooved kind, but they had a good variety of deer, cows, antelope, etc.

The truck in front of us was letting the animals stick their head in their vehicle to get food and petting this bison on the head. So weird to see after all of our Yellowstone conditioning to give bison space. He was so full when we finally drove by that he was just licking his lips and not very interested in us. I'm pretty sure his bison friend left a slobber streak on our car though. Yuck!

Same for this ostrich. I hurriedly rolled up my window when it became obvious that he expected to get his fill from inside the car. Yikes! These birds are so big! I guess I'm still scarred from that time when the bear bit/clawed our bumper in Bear World. But we came out unscathed (other than slobber) today and had a good visit with the grandparents afterwards.

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