Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...Try, Try Again

Not much going on currently... Still waiting for his two front teeth to end their torturous descent and still wobbling on all fours. On a side note, we're going to look into patenting Baby Swiffer, since his belly gets quite dirty from scooting along on the floor all day.

We weighed him in unofficially at 19.2 lbs the other day. My arm will tell you that he feels heavier than that though! Also, he's now appearing in this month's Alcalde magazine in the "Calf Corral" section.

Here's a video of Owen practicing his pincer grasp. We are obviously still working on this skill! :) Luckily, it's not his only means of nourishment or he might starve. We've been venturing into more exotic foods like eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese, which were mostly met with approval.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Howdy neighbor!

We had the neighbors over for dinner this past weekend. They actually have a boy, Zachary, who is just 3 days younger than Owen. Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera handy when things got more interesting. They got closer and closer until there was grabbing of each other's arms, toes, legs, and heads. Needless to say, baby wrestling is very entertaining. I'm sure there will be plenty of photo ops for these two down the line. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chasing Turtles

We're still waiting for the new teeth to make their appearance. Slowest...teeth...ever! Needless to say, Owen's been unusually grumpy for the last week or so. Hurry up teeth!

But he found a friend in the mirror! He's seen this baby many times before and always shares a big grin with his twin.

He can scoot with the best of them, but he's still preparing for that first official crawl. His legs are definitely ready, but his hands/head still have their doubts. Someone gave us this cute little turtle that asks to be chased, but it was so slow we thought it was a joke! Now we know exactly what it's for. :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Splish Splash

Yesterday, TACC had their annual backyard BBQ (yes, in the hottest month at the hottest time of day). The backyard was beautiful though, so John and Owen hit the pool while we waited for the delicious BBQ. They had a great time splashing around; I think they must have been in there for more than an hour and a half.

Here's that tongue that we are getting so accustomed to seeing now.

By the end, there was enough splashing by Mr. O to cover his face in droplets. But he didn't seem to mind one bit. I think he would have stayed in there until he fell asleep!

Friday, August 20, 2010

MumMums and Tongues

Still working on the crawling movies, but here are a couple of the funny faces he's giving us these days. A little Michael Jordan-esque when he's crawling or cruising... (I guess my red-eye/flash is too bright, because he tends to end up with his eyes closed.)

We think he's working on the next two teeth, so we introduced MumMums to him the other day. It's a bit like Melba toast from back in the day, but it's a rice cake that dissolves in his mouth so there's less mess. Mikey likes it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8 months!

No check-up this month, so I don't have any stats for his 8-month mark. He seems heavier and his feet look much larger though! He's discovered his tongue in the last few weeks, as you saw in the raspberry video. Now he also likes to mix in some lispy shushing, sticking his tongue out, clucking, and sticking his lips out under his nose and breathing quickly (reminds us of a little piggy, especially when he does this while eating).

I'm still working on getting footage for his moving and shaking and all the new faces/noises he makes, so this picture will have to do for now. (Thanks for the onesie Uncle Juan!)

P.S. Today is also our 8th wedding anniversary, so we are feeling doubly lucky!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Countdown to kickoff

They say you've got to indoctrinate them early, so we decided to share our love of Texas football with Owen as soon as possible. Despite the heat, we trucked down to DKR stadium with the crowd for the team's open practice after work yesterday. They really upped the practice this year with use of the stadium (as opposed to the practice field) and official programs.

Owen was a pretty good sport, but it was close to bed time. He really did not like the crowd noise though! Every group cheer or gasp made him burst into tears (not sure how that's going to translate when John yells at the TV this fall). So, we didn't stay very long.

On the way to the stadium with Daddy:

It's hot! Ready to call it a night...

Lastly, a fashion show for Oma. Reversible watermelon romper - check!

Monday, August 9, 2010


His latest noise du jour is the raspberry. It's yet another reason for a bib for him (and a face shield for me). Enjoy this compilation video that puts you right in the action!

And not to be outdone by raspberries, we tried blueberries for the first time at lunch. :)

In other news, the pediatrician referred us to a pediatric ophthalmologist because one of his eyelids is slightly lower than the other one. (You can kind of see this in some of the pictures.) Anyway, we did that this morning, and as suspected, it's fine. No effect on his vision yet and it's not expected to get worse, so we'll just keep an 'eye' on it. Sorry for the pun!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Inch by Inch

A brief tour through the progression of motion so far... It's going quickly now!

Drop and give me 20! (Thanks for the cute tank onesie, Aunt Loni!) Starting just in the last week, he gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth a few seconds, like he's revving his engine, before collapsing to the ground.

Yesterday, I nabbed this quick clip of him doing what I call "frog" crawling on the hard woods. Not long now!

And finally, tonight we both witnessed him actually crawl about a foot. I'm counting it! Hopefully, we'll catch it on video soon. We thought he'd faceplant (does that make us bad parents?), but he caught himself with his hand. Very exciting!


Today was a big day as we celebrated Owen's baptism! It was a joyous occasion, and we were blessed to have many witnesses present including Opa from Ohio (via Houston), Granna and Grandad from Caldwell, Uncle Charles from California, and Aunt Loni, Uncle Dan, and Jennifer from Houston. Owen was so good! Not a peep from him when the pastor walked him up and down the aisle to meet everyone, although he did grab for his microphone first thing! He was also allowed to splash in the baptismal font a little bit. I think he thought it was bath time. :)

Afterwards, we headed to Threadgill's to fill up on some good ol' home cookin'.
Well, Owen ate from a jar, but...
in the end, we were all satisfied and stuffed! (P.S. The appropriateness of Owen's bib was noted by the pastor!)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Little Jumper

Ah, I never get tired of his happy disposition... Basically, he's between settings in the jumperoo height. In this clip, he's ecstatic that we put a phone book underneath him to give him a little boost from the floor after we raised it too high. Cracked me up! This was after he'd been bouncing for about 5 minutes solid, too.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gerber Baby

On a whim, I submitted Owen's photo to a Gerber Baby contest. There's over 80,000 babies' pictures already! If you feel so inclined, vote for Owen and/or tell your friends! It'll make you feel good. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

More Screaming and Laughing

Just had to share this video. We discovered Owen already has a love for 'foot ball' by accident. For some reason, this only cracks him up when we shake it with our feet!