Not sure where he picked up this "hi-ya" to go with his kicks, but it's pretty entertaining.
He's also learning to count. I had no idea that he could count up to 10, if you help him get past "three". I just thought he was stuck on "one, two, one, two." I guess "three" is hard to say, although we've gotten "twee" out of him a few times.
Which brings me to some of my favorite phrases that I want to jot down before I forget this adorable mimicking period. He really picks up a lot of words now, but the best ones have toddler phonics, especially if an R is involved.
- "eh-mo teewee?" - multi-daily request for me to turn on the TV so he can watch Elmo on Sesame Street. We still try to minimize his TV time, because he turns into such a little couch potato!
- "jaff" - giraffe
- "poose" - octopus
- "potamus" - hippo
- "ostirch" - ostrich
- "bana" - banana
- "qui-qui" - kiwi
- "noonles" - noodles
- "ahlo" - yellow
- "geen" - green
- "wed" - red
- "purpo" - purple
- "bagoh"- bagel
- "circo" - circle
- "ceweal" - cereal
- "gugurch" - yogurt
- "anshtairs" - downstairs
- "what doing dada/mama/cars?" - conversation starter