Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dancing Fiend

What to say about this post...?  It's pretty entertaining - at least it was to us!  Who knew that all we had to do was strip him down to his diaper to unleash the dancing fiend inside?  We think he was practicing his dance moves for Uncle Dan's upcoming nuptials.  Yes, we realize this footage could be extremely embarrassing to him at a later date, but we think it's awesome and just had to share.  Plus, it begs the questions: 1) where did he learn this?  2) is that what I look like?  3) is it time to enroll him in a toddler modern dance class?

Also, before you criticize our choice of music, we were just listening to the satellite TV music channels, and Owen seemed to fancy this one.  :)  I think he could have danced for hours if we let him.  Unfortunately, this was just before bedtime and had to be cut short (although it had lasted for about half an hour already!).


Unedited moves:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My moms' group had an Easter Egg hunt a few days before Easter.  Owen actually did really well, understood what he was supposed to do, and had just collected Egg #10 before he saw another kid open one of his eggs.  Cha-ching!  He stopped right where he was and proceeded to open all of his eggs to check out what he had picked up.  Candy!!!

My friend's backyard opens right onto a horse pasture.  There was curiosity on both sides of the fence!  Owen was pretty fearless.

Owen and his buddy Carson surveying for any last eggs.

Then he had his Easter morning basket.  He immediately knew to go for the eggs and open them.  We didn't give him very many, and we are milking them for all they're worth!  Candy is very persuasive.  :)  [FYI, the green socks were his addition.  He's becoming very particular about certain items of clothing, if given a choice.]

He also got some sidewalk chalk and Thomas the Train jigsaw puzzles, which he seemed to enjoy.

And because he's obsessed with other kid's bikes, trikes, power wheels, scooters, and skateboards, we got him a little bike for the summer season.  You may notice it has no pedals.  It's called a balance bike, and the theory is that if the kid gets enough momentum going, he can just pick up his feet and learn to balance.  This is supposed to facilitate them going straight to a real bike w/o the challenges of weaning off training wheels.  We'll see how it goes.  It was a little sad to see him waddle down the sidewalk straddling this bike, but hopefully he'll pick it up quickly.

The weather was perfect, so we did an Easter Egg hunt in the yard.  We had to reassure him that these eggs were empty, since his 'leave-no-egg-unopened' approach was really slowing down the hunt.  He requested that we hide them at least two more times, so I think he had fun finding them.

And who can forget the traditional Easter snowball fight?  There was a bit leftover from a couple of light snowfalls that week, and some neighborhood kids were having a blast pelting each other with the remnants.  Of course, Owen had to go right up to the action and stare at the kids!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Enjoying the Sun

I have quite a few Easter pictures that I'm going through, so to tide you over...  Here's Owen enjoying his Easter sidewalk chalk in the back yard.

And a closeup that I took a few days ago.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fun Around Town

Owen got a hold of Daddy's hat, which just happened to make for a Longhorn-rific outfit and photo op.

Spring has been teasing us with a few appearances here and there, so we've been getting outside to enjoy the sunshine as much as possible.  Owen's gaining mastery of the various ladders on the playground, so I think he's going to rock them this summer!

We broke out a hand-me-down plastic food cart about a month ago.  It's very entertaining when he announces that he's going to cook for us!  Usually we end up with plates of eggs with carrots and a cookie or something to that effect.  He's also found renewed interest in building towers with his blocks.  One got to be 12 blocks tall!

The newest fad for Owen is speed bumps.  We took a stroll around the shopping center after dinner the other day, and we had to spend at least 10 minutes next to a speed bump so he could watch the approaching cars and study their wheels as they went over.  He was absolutely fascinated!  We now call them "bumpy", and he requests them in the car, shopping carts, and while playing with his cars at home.

I've been wanting to get him some sunglasses for a while.  He wears them for about 2 minutes when we are outside before he takes them off.  But he asked for them when we drove to the grocery store the other day, and he wore them the full ride to/from the store.  Hope this translates to success the next outing!

And a baby-to-be picture that does a bit more justice to my bulging belly.  Only 3 more months until we meet Baby Girl!