Sunday, March 7, 2010

Goodbye Paycheck, Hello Perks

A bit of a busy week for us. I had a ‘meet the baby/going away’ party at work. Owen was very well-behaved and in and out of sleeping in people’s arms. He got lots of compliments on his beautiful blue eyes and his ‘healthy’ size. :) It was good to see everyone and have a chance to say good-bye, since I left kind of abruptly when Owen came 4 weeks early. Anyway, it’s official that I’m a full-time mom now. Here’s a happy pic of him playing with Daddy.


It does seem like he’s getting longer, as people have said. Here’s an outfit (thanks Oma!) that’s getting a little tight when he stretches his legs… (yes, it’s supposed to open at the knee like that)


And, here’s a video of him standing and even some walking, 2 of his new favorite activities.

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