Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring = Bluebonnets and Crawfish!

As is customary in Texas in the spring, I figured we had to get a pic of Owen in the bluebonnets. There happens to be a little patch of wildflowers in our neighborhood park, so I trucked the bumbo over there on one of our walks in order to prop the little guy up. It took some doing not to trample the flowers and get him situated, but it was still too bright for him to look up. Might have to do another attempt at dusk. :)
We also took our Li'l Crabby Pants to his first crawfish boil, but we told everyone it was really a crawfish on his shirt. He was quite the trooper through the afternoon - hardly any complaints and he fell asleep in the swing in the background below. Maybe next year he'll try his first bite of the little critters.

Lastly, I'll leave you with this nice Father-Son moment.

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