Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Fun

Happy belated Easter! We enjoyed ours, but we'll get to that in a minute.

First a few tidbits... He has learned how to climb up on the sofas and the coffee table. I even caught him standing in a low kitchen drawer today! We're in trouble.

He's in nearly full-mimic mode. (I say nearly since he's still not saying words yet. Thank goodness!) He repeats sounds though. And he's picked up on some interesting mannerisms like shrugging, hand clasping behind the back (like an inspector), and finally clapping! I was beginning to wonder about that last one, since he's also been ignoring my signing. Maybe it really will breakthrough one of these days. :)

I just liked this shirt...

Now on to the weekend - making waves with Daddy at the aquatic center.

We had gorgeous sunshine and temperatures nearing 60 degrees! So after swim lessons, we went to a city park for the Earth Day festivities. They had a skateboarding competition and lots of booths/food/music. Not too shabby, and we could park within walking distance! Needless to say that Owen crashed in the car on the way home.

We had more beautiful weather on Easter - perfect for O's first egg hunt. His basket looked like a soccer ball and was full of plastic utensils so he can help me in the garden or play in his sandbox. Thanks Oma!

He really caught on to the egg hunting concept pretty quickly once his daddy showed him that there were snacks inside the eggs!

The hunt is underway!

Snack time! No chocolate this year, just Lil Crunchies! Since the plastic eggs were kind of hard for him to open, he took to throwing them on the concrete to "crack" them open. He was pretty meticulous in making sure that all of the eggs had been emptied!

Here he is making the rounds to ensure no eggs were left behind. You can also see the clapping and the shrugging in action.


  1. I have a picture of you squinching up your eyes and nose just like that second photo. Where have the years gone?!

    Paula Haddox
