Tuesday, June 21, 2011

18-month checkup

Surprisingly, no shots! But Owen still cried once his name was called. Guess he already has some not-so-fun memories of this new doctor's office! It seems our suspicion of a growth spurt was correct! His stats:
34.5" tall - 95th% (1.5" over the last 3 months!)
24 lb, 14 oz - 36th%
19.5" head - 90th%
Still tall and skinny and, most importantly, healthy! Although he seems to be on a mission to fall on his head as much as possible today...

And now some random pictures to make this post more interesting.

A rare moment of calm with his buddy Magnus.

Obsessing over steering wheels at a mall in Utah.

Using a screwdriver in his play toolbox.


  1. cute!!! he is very tall and skinny with a big head!!! :) our one year is next week and i can't wait to find out. i think tall, lean and prob still a small head.

  2. Oh my gosh! Can't believe it's already been a year, Ruby!!!
