Thursday, July 14, 2011

19 month quirks

WARNING: This post is quite wordy. Proceed at your own risk!

Just wanted to jot down some of the memorable things that Owen is doing these days before I forget them. Yes, this age has its issues (like running in the opposite direction when I try to reign him in at the park or feigning ignorance when he puts his feet on the dinner table for the umpteenth time), but I think it's outweighed by moments of pure cuteness. Maybe I'm a little biased...

  • He sometimes grunts when he has to squat to pick something up (is that what we sound like?), and rolls his 'R's.
  • He's still not crazy about meat or veg, but he's been known to take bites of mom/dad's sandwiches and polish off the broccoli from their plate! Seriously! Probably wouldn't happen if it was on his own plate. If we give him something unexpectedly tasty, he raises his eyebrows and cocks his head to the side as if to say, "well, well, well... what else have you been hiding from me?"
  • Imitating me relaxing at the pool.

  • He is really good about going down for his nap and sometimes giggles when he knows that's where we're headed. In fact, he's even told me that he's ready to lay down once or twice! (He puts his hand to the side of his head - the sign for sleep.)
  • We are lucky in that he's pretty consistent with a 2-hour nap in the afternoon and about 11 hours at night. Yea for sleep!

  • He picks up random crumbs from the floor and trash from the playground and brings it to me. Guess that's better than not bringing it to me...?
  • He's pretty helpful when we ask him to "clean up" and sing the "clean up" song while we pick up toys.
  • He also loves to get into our bathroom drawers while I'm getting ready in the morning. He'll take various items out, slobber on them, arrange them just so on the side of the tub, and then usually toss them back in the drawer. Oh, and he turns on the tub faucet and leaves it running while he rummages. At least he tries to put things back where he found them - one of his mom's favorite life rules!
  • He does not like the feeling of food on his face, so he wipes it with his hand, but he doesn't like that either, so he then wipes his hand on his shirt. This leads to much laundry; almost as much as when he was a baby! When do they use napkins? :)
  • Though, I have to say that he is still not bothered by wearing a dirty diaper or splashing in a murky puddle.

  • It's getting better now that he signs for "milk", "all done", "drink", and "more", and new words include "guck" - truck, "choos" - shoes, "tees" - cheese, "ah" plus a tap to the head - hat, and "book".
  • He will also bestow a grand pointing gesture towards things he likes, and you feel like you've been blessed by the king.

  • His favorites are still playing with his cars and kicking the ball around with his dad.
  • He does a high-pitched voice for some of his animals when he's playing with them. I guess that's what they sound like in his head!
  • He's been scribbling more and eating the crayons less.
  • And we've been introducing/working on simple puzzles with him. He knows where the pieces go, but can't quite get the orientation yet.
  • Here's a "Ball in the Box" montage for you. It's about 2 minutes long, so if you need to skip ahead, highlights are at 0:47, 1:31, and 1:51. I think he made a lot more goals, but we just didn't have the camera rolling... He's even created his own hand sign for this game, which you can see at 1:06. :)

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