Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holiday Lookback, Ranch Edition

Hmm... where to begin...?  We took a 2-week sojourn back to the motherland, Texas, for the holidays, stayed in three different locales, saw tons of family and friends, and crossed off nearly all of our major food groups that are lacking in the mountain-northwest.  Might have to do this in multiple posts, since there's so much and some of the photos are on a computer that's not in my possession currently.

Owen was a great traveler, all things considered (3+ hour drive to airport, parking and tram/baggage check/security/waiting at the airport gate, 3 hour flight, and more driving on the other end).  He loved rolling his bag along behind him like all of the other people he saw!  (It was filled with in-flight trucks and books.)  Luckily, we had extra time to walk at a toddler's pace from security to the gate.

We actually had to pay for his seat this time, now that's he's of legal age.  :)  He did pretty well on the plane, sleeping 1/3-1/2 the time, reading, eating and looking out the window ("Cars!" were spotted upon landing).  He didn't have to get out of his seat the whole flight, though he was definitely ready to by the end.

We can't go to Texas without spending a little time in Austin.  We met up with friends and had a little playgroup with Owen's old buddies, Maria and James, who had already departed when we decided to do a group photo.

Then it was on to Christmas at the ranch.  Lots of family, food, and presents.  Owen finally met all of his cousins.

Seeking protection with Uncle Ken from the evil remote controlled fire truck.

Watching Cars2 with his cousins Katie and Hannah.  He sat there for the whole movie!

Sharing books with cousins Kristine and Evalynn.

Riding on the RV with Grandad!  It was raining nearly the whole visit, so this was a rare opportunity to get outside.

Then we spent a week in Houston (post to follow), returning to the ranch for a couple of days before heading to Austin to catch our flight back.  I broke out some of my old toys for him.  I think they were a hit!

Checking the pasture for cows.

Throwing a fit on a sandy trail.  He's developed a penchant for lying down on the floor in a (usually) silent protest.  This has manifested itself at the airport security line, gate waiting area, public bathrooms (ew!), library story time, neighbor's driveway, and just about anywhere he feels inclined.  I can't wait for this phase to pass!  :)

Whoa!  Grandad has an actual tractor!  Owen was so excited to see it and literally kick the tires.  Of course, he had to get a closer look behind the wheel, but he would not get anywhere near it once it was turned on!  Scary!

The obsession with "driving" wheeled things extended to our rent car.

Last pic before getting in the car!

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