Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Skinny 8 Months!

Miss H celebrated her 8-month milestone in the sky, flying home from Texas.  I haven't even looked at the pictures from that trip yet, but here's a few to mark her new month.  Owen was 'helping' by holding her up for the camera.  :)

I took her in for her monthly measurements, which the doctor requested, and wasn't too thrilled with the results.  She weighed in at 14 lbs, 10 oz, which is around the 5% mark, and her length is 27", which is 50%.  I'm going to chalk up the low weight to her being ill most of February, and I have my fingers crossed that we'll see some more gain before the next 2-week weigh-in.  We're trying to supplement with formula after feeding and even adding butter or formula to her solid foods, too.

She does love her brother!

And I thought this was a funny picture of Owen with all of his cars.  Of course, this does not include any cars usually kept downstairs or any of the larger cars he owns either.  Even so, we were numbering above 70, if I recall, of just the ones pictured here.


  1. Love the cars!! Elliott has not figured out the grid yet so his are lined up like a train. Sometimes he'll group them movie theatre seating style so they can all watch a movie together. Including trains, I'm sure we are at 70 something as well. Every single one of them have a name and he can keep track of them all!! Pretty impressive.

    I hope H gains some weigh!! Matilda has plenty she could pass over. She's 5 months and well over 18 pounds

  2. I definitely helped Owen with the grid! He still loves lining them up, but usually like a train or a parking lot. :) We would love some of Matilda's chub, please! Love it.
