Friday, August 10, 2018

Ohio and East, to Virginia

Finally, Williamsburg had what the kids really wanted on vacation: a pool (and time to swim in it)! That's what we did shortly after check-in, and Owen proceeded to instruct Hadley in swim lessons, while the weather was deciding whether to rain or not.

After the swim, we did a short drive around town to orient ourselves, see the campus of William and Mary, and head to a local brewery for dinner. Then we got some rest so that we could explore Colonial Williamsburg on foot the next day.

It was already hot in the morning, and one of the first things we encountered was an activity for kids to clean up artifacts that were uncovered when the town dug a new basement in an old location. This mostly consisted of scrubbing oyster shells with a toothbrush, but the kids loved it! Sometimes, they'd find something more interesting, like a shard of old glass or pottery or an animal bone. At least it was shaded. We eventually had to tell them it was time to move on, or we might have been here all day.

We had watched a short film at the visitor's center: "Williamsburg - The Story of a Patriot," which gave the kids some context of Williamsburg in history. It was also beneficial, because as we walked around, they would recognize buildings, like the capitol and governor's palace, "from the movie." Can you tell how excited Owen was to walk around Williamsburg? Haha.

One thing of interest was the church (AC!) and burial ground. It was amusing for the kids to imagine all of these famous historical figures sitting in church.

We decided that the kids' attention spans didn't warrant the cost of a ticketed admission to the demonstrations and some of us, who shall remain unnamed, just weren't interested in playing along with costumed actors, so we wandered the grounds and took in the sights and sounds of simpler times. Maybe we'll return someday when the kids have learned some more history and the temperatures are more pleasant for extended strolls...

I think the kids did learn a little, not the least of which was to be thankful that we don't use the stocks anymore!

Oh, and we did end our stroll with cannon fire, so that was something! Although, Owen asked why they were firing at the trees instead of toward the audience, since they were using blanks, after all. Kids today!

After we had some lunch and electrolytes, I convinced everyone that we needed to see the ocean and just have a relaxing day at the beach. It was only about a 40 minute drive to a little beach on the Chesapeake Bay, just outside of Newport News. Since the kids had been to the Pacific a couple of times, I thought that they should also dip their toes in the Atlantic, since we were so close. (We didn't get too caught up in Chesapeake vs. Atlantic, ok?) Unbelievably, I had to twist arms to go! But once we were there, they took off running, and didn't look back.

It was a pretty perfect afternoon, and the water wasn't even cold! What a nice surprise. They spent several hours digging, shell collecting, hopping waves, and making this "castle". Pretty good for not having any shovels or pails. The grown-ups helped embellish their design and added a moat that funneled in every wave.

It was a perfect end to our mini-vacation that had been go-go-go most of the time! I say it a lot, but every vacation needs a beach day!

The next day was a trek across Virginia and West Virginia, back to Ohio!

We got some much needed down time in Athens. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Todd came for a visit and brought LED finger lights to celebrate the kids' birthdays. They LOVE these things and are still playing with them now at home to light up their fort in the basement!

One day, Oma and Papa took the kids to Columbus and the Center of Science and Industry, which seemed like an amazing place, to give the parents a day off! O & H really enjoyed their day and wished they had more time at the museum.

I didn't get a picture of Bella/Raquel/Thor/Bubba/Oma playing their endless imaginary games, but I did get a couple of Papa. The kids got lots of quality time with their grandparents and LOVED it! Mom and Dad got a date night and a free day, so we did too!

We also had to check out the new Athens city pool. It was a beautiful facility with water slides, a zero-entry pool, and a splash pad. But we may have been whistled at a couple of times for playing in the pool... I guess it's a no-touching pool. There are certainly some advantages to having your own pool (or your neighbor's)!

And then it was time to start the trip back home. We had a late afternoon flight, so we drove to Cincinnati and had a few hours to do one last fun thing! Oma's friend had recommended the EnterTRAINment Junction, which sounded perfect, so we went to see the world's largest indoor train display. The attention to detail was amazing, and we loved that they had made it into a scavenger hunt for the kids! 

There was also a play area and a fun house, which was great to get out the wiggling and giggling before our flight. We could have spent another hour or two here, but we had to keep moving to get some lunch and make it to the airport on time.

 Thanks for the fun, relaxing visit Oma and Papa! We love you!

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