Two grandparent visits within just a few days?! Amazing! Oma and Papa drove down to spend a couple of weeks in Houston, the first one was with us. The big paint job had just been finished the day before, and soon after their car rolled up, kids got home from school and we had gymnastics and a church egg hunt on the agenda. That's Hadley up on the rope at gymnastics! She rang the bell at the top and conquered some pretty big spaces between knots!
The next day Hadley's grade had a reading picnic that was almost rained out, but we all got to come and hear her read to us while we ate some snacks outside. She's a great reader! We didn't have time in that half hour for her to read the whole chapter book that she brought outside, but she read a chapter for us, as well as a few other shorter books.
Up next was Easter weekend, so O&P went to a lot of church services. The kids had Good Friday off from school, so they were able to spend some extra quality time with them.
And we found some Easter decorations! This one is a little creepy...
Somehow, we've avoided egg dyeing up until this year, but I thought the kids might enjoy it. I was right! They wished we had more eggs, until I asked them if they would eat all the hard-boiled eggs they wanted to dye. Hmm..., maybe 8 was enough after all. Anyway, it was fun and we had some deviled eggs for our Easter meal.
Easter finally arrived! There was a careful inventory taken of their baskets and plastic eggs. Apparently, the Easter bunny did not hide eggs very well this year...
After church (I wish we had taken a family photo while we were all dressed up!), there was a harder egg hunt upstairs. Someone brought their A game, and someone did not...
That evening we hosted family for some traditional ham (who knew it took an hour to bake ham?), smoked pork loin, and pot luck sides and desserts. We managed to find seating for 13, including a kids' table! It was so nice to be all together, even among bare walls and boxes.
Too soon, it was time for Oma and Papa to leave for their week over at Uncky Dan's house. We sure had a great visit. The kids got to show them their new house, school cafeteria, gymnastics class, church, and a soccer game! Can you tell that the kids did not want to see them go?
We were able to reunite for an afternoon before O&P had to head back to Ohio. Time was spent at D&J's house and then at a local brewery where we even got a rare extended family photo!
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