Monday, May 17, 2010

5 months old!

Ah, so much to blog about...

First, Oma and Opa returned to Ohio. We had a great visit, and I must confess that it was really fantastic to have built-in babysitters for a week! :)

Here's Opa doing the calming, grandfatherly walk around the room. Owen prefers to be in motion and checking out his surroundings rather than sitting and still. :)

Uncle Dan and Jennifer came in for the weekend. Owen loves when Dan plays the guitar. Hopefully, that will translate into some musical inclinations down the road...

Owen passed his 5-month milestone. We did another unofficial measurement and came up with a weight of 16.2 lbs and a length of 25.5 inches. Amazing progress looking back on older pictures... He looked really huge when we took him to visit a friend's newborn baby yesterday!
Sitting tall on Daddy's shoulders (previously using John's ears as reins).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those male Peterson genes run strong! :) Owen looks so cute on John's shoulders!! Kiss his little toes for me!
