Wednesday, April 19, 2017


We kept it fairly simple this year and just did the Saturday Easter egg hunt at church. They divided kids up by ages, and Hadley rocked the 1-4 age group! Haha. But there were plenty of eggs to go around, so no harm done.

We also did another "find the bunny" hunt for small businesses downtown, which ended with the big guy and some pinwheels to take home. We got there just before he vanished!

Can't skip a traditional Easter morning picture with baskets. (In true Easter spirit, Owen has requested a bigger basket for next year, since H's has more volume.)

Gotta love the kids dressed up in their Easter best!

Easter afternoon actually warmed up for a near-perfect day. Perfect for bubble-gun wars, that is. I foresee us buying lots of jumbo refill bubble bottles this summer.

Finally, I'll leave you with an original HCP composition about Easter. (She's not reading a song, just looking at a page about the milestone days during Easter week.)

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