Thursday, April 13, 2017

Roller Coaster Spring

I guess we can tentatively say we are now in spring! It's never really an obvious shift up here in Idaho. Winter does NOT like to relinquish its grip. But the snow has all melted (except for a weekly flurry that doesn't stick once the sun reappears), 

and we've just begun to see some daffodils and tulips emerging around town. I guess it's typical spring weather, but we alternate days of beautiful sunshine with those of the more windy, rainy, snowy, chilly persuasion. So when we do get a sunny day, out comes the sidewalk chalk, silliness, and sandbox. If we are forecast to get into the 60s, Owen's in shorts and T-shirts! (and a heavy coat for his morning bike commute in the upper 30s - Idaho kids!)

We even managed to plant a few cool-weather vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, and peas in the garden. I hope I didn't jump the gun on those! I had an eager helper.

When the weather is yucky, we figure out indoor alternatives. For Hadley, sometimes that's a movie! I was so excited to take her to the new Beauty and the Beast, since we had just introduced the animated version a few months ago. It wasn't her first movie theater experience (Dad took her to Moana a while back!), but I think she liked it!

The kids have been taking music classes all year, which they seem to enjoy and learn a lot in! Sadly, Hadley's teacher had to move, so her class finished up early.  However, she and Owen will continue next year in the same class where they introduce the keyboard, so we are excited for that!

Lastly, there's a new group in town that paints and hides rocks all over parks and public areas. You can keep them, rehide them for others, or make and hide your own. It's a pretty fun idea! They had an Easter Rock Hunt last weekend, and the kids were all over it! Good practice for the upcoming real deal. And we got in the car just before it hailed, snowed, and rained the rest of the afternoon!

Here are their favorite painted rocks. There are definitely some artists around town!

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